Dogmommin’ Blog


Ok, I know it may sound silly to some people but you can’t tell me I’m not a mom. I mom so hard, these pups really are my children. I also run a business that keeps me super busy all the time, so I effectively consider myself a working dogmom.

When both of my dogs became deathly ill halfway through March, in the midst of my salon absorbing the shock of some major, unexpected changes, I pulled the emergency lever on Maxwell Salon and I closed for the month of April. I have absolutely no regrets. So, what’s been up?

Lemme tell ya’ll about it. 

Things were going pretty good (I thought), I was finishing up some admin stuff,  putting together this quarter’s ThatBox and I was planning on opening up my schedule for photo shoots (like for real this time) in April. I was feeling really good about our plans again, for the first time since last March (thanks again covid).

Turns out, things at the salon weren’t as shiny as I thought. In the space of three days, I lost half my team and both of my dogs suddenly started peeing out of their butts ☹️.

Oh SHIT. Literally. I panicked, paused…and then I pulled the lever. I let the team know that everyone was taking a month off from work so I could: A) take care of my sick dogs and B) figure out what to do about the fact that we’d just lost half of our team; Specifically, the half of the team that I had just placed most of my clients with so I could pursue some of my own goals and creative interests. Oof. 


The first week after pausing the business, I was mostly thinking about my babies. I was up to my eyeballs in diarrhea, neither dog would eat or drink and I was almost certain that I was going to lose both of them. After over 10 hrs and $2,000 in emergency vet visits, we ended up with a gastroenteritis diagnosis and some anti-diarrhea pills. The ER wanted a lot more money to keep them for monitoring and re-hydration, so I took the job on myself. Today I am happy to report that I have two living doggos, who are nearly back to their cheerful, lively selves.

Thank the universe. 

In taking some space I quickly realized that in regards to my business, I’d been chasing after the machine. I was trying to do routine maintenance and major repairs while the thing was still running! Closing the salon gave me some space to gather information and plan my next moves intentionally instead of just reacting in my state of panicked, worried, sleep-deprived, zombie brain. 

Ok, now… I’ve met people who would bite my head right off for having the audacity to compare bearing a human child to caring for a canine best friend and I do realize that it’s different, but I’ve been taking care of these two dorkwads for over 10 years now and I’m telling you- those are my kids. If you’re rolling your eyes at me right now, head’s up! This upcoming blog series is probably not for you :)

People might call me crazy for wanting to stay home with my dogs instead of working a typical day job, but i’ve been working hard at my craft for 15 years. I don’t want to work 12 hour days behind the chair anymore while my dogs sit at home, bored with no one to talk to them. Their life expectancy is only 10-15 years, you do the math, I can’t even bear to think of it. 

Call me a crazy dog mom, but I’m working from home more often than I’m not, and i’m bringing them with me when I come to the studio! 

I’m changing, rearranging, and rethinking the way I make a living because I want to be with them. Isn’t the whole point of life to be with the one’s you love and enjoy life? 

Two weeks ago, I thought my time with them might be up. I’ve spent the last few weeks giving them full time care and attention to maintain their hydration and help them regain the weight they lost. It made me more aware than ever of the need to spend this time with them as much as possible. 

I’ve been thinking about starting this blog-series for a long time, because so much of what I do at this point, includes my dogs and honestly…they’re the freaking cutest! 

In exploring the writing side of my creative expression, i’ve noticed that I tend to write from a place of big emotion. Too often lately, that emotion is fear, crisis or anger. I also have tendency to guard my happy moments closely when it comes to social media; But who wants to read about someone else’s fear, crisis and anger? Generally speaking…not me! Which is why I don’t publish 90% of what I write about. 

Personally, I think that’s what they want. They want us to be living in such a constant state of fear that creativity is constantly repressed. In true Aquarian form… I’m not going to give it to them. 

Knowing that when my babies cross that rainbow bridge I will be utterly devastated for a little while; and knowing that at that point, I will surely feel more compelled than ever to write and reflect on my time with them, it feels like a great exercise to try sharing our happy moments through this blog series. I’d like to try writing from a place of pure, present-minded happiness and gratitude. That’s where I want to exist in this insane world. 

I’ll be sharing my favorite Dogmommin’ things. Get ready for tips, tricks, funny stories, and my favorite local places; From a busy, multitasking, dog-mom perspective. 

I’m just sayin, I relate to more mom meme’s than bar scenes these days. In the grand scheme of my life so far, i’d say it’s more than possible that my dogs saved my life and taught me how to be a better human. 

Join me, TheYellowDiva and BrotherBear while we journey through these happiest years of our lives together. 

PS-That’s not all i’m working on! 

Don’t worry friends, you know damn well I swerve through the curves (by now, i’m so well practiced, I feel like a Nascar driver). 

We’re still closed until May 1st. This is allowing me time to do a complete change up and re-brand of the business, the end result is going to blow your minds. 

Stay tuned for my favorite swerve in all of Maxwell Salon’s history. 

Scheduling availability and more coming soon!


Real Talk Update


Pondering my purpose